Louis Reaves

“I remember doing a Bible study once on the parable about the sower, and the pastor said all the Lord asks from us is for us to be farmers. He asks us to plant seeds, and He takes care of the rest. I began praying the Lord would give me the ability to plant just one seed. I love to play basketball, so I started going to Bellevue for non-member free play on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I was amazed at all the guys who were there to play. I was mostly amazed at how young they were, maybe 16 years old to mid-20s. So I played with them and just about died.

I prayed, ‘Lord are you sure this is what you want me to do. Those guys are young and I am old, slow, and out of shape.’ The Lord told me to get back into shape and be faithful. So I continued to pray that the Lord would give me that one seed. Then something amazing happened–the gym staff asked if I wanted to share the half-time devotion. I had never shared a devotion to that many people I didn’t really know. The Holy Spirit took over, and I shared the Gospel with 50 guys. Afterwards I realized I had prayed for one seed and the Lord answered in His timing and on His terms. He didn’t give me the one seed I had asked for–He had given me 50. I realized that God knows me and wants to use me. He knows my gifts and talents, and He showed me how I could use them for His glory if I would just be faithful to Share Jesus Like It Matters.”