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2000 Appling Road
Cordova, TN 38016
All of our worship services are available online.
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Worship with Us
For every worship experience, you can expect individuals of all ages and races joining together, a time of prayer and baptism celebrations, and a message from the Word of God.
Sundays at 9:15 am
During this early worship service, you can expect to sing some songs led by our Minister of Music, Mark Blair, who is accompanied by our orchestra and choir. You will be blessed by a message from God’s Word prefaced with baptism celebrations and prayer.
Sundays at 11:00 am
During this later worship service, music features our praise band, led by our Contemporary Worship Pastor, Jeff Maxwell. We will lift our voices in praise, pray, celebrate new life in Christ through baptisms and hear a message from God’s Word.
Sundays at 5:00 pm
Periodically, Bellevue holds a special night of prayer and worship on Sundays. Childcare is provided for ages 0–3 years old. Join us in person or watch live.
Check out the Weekly Guide!
Weekly Worship
Whatever age group or stage of life you’re in, you’ll find unique ways to worship at Bellevue!
Sundays at 9:00 am on WHBQ Fox 13
Sundays at 6:00 pm on WCRV AM 640
At Bellevue, we offer a number of ways to connect and worship, including for those who need or desire additional resources.
We offer Spanish translation every Sunday during both worship services. Radio receivers are distributed on the second floor of the South Lobby 10 minutes prior to each service until the beginning of the sermon. To receive a radio receiver, you must present a driver’s license or another form of identification. Once the service is finished, when you turn in the radio receiver, your identification card will be returned to you.
En Espańol
Ofrecemos traducción al español todos los domingos durante los servicios de adoración a las 9:15 y 11:00 am. Para recibir una audífono, visite la estación en el segundo piso del vestíbulo sur comenzando 15 minutos antes de que comience el servicio hasta que comience la predicación. Para recibir un audífono, debe presentar una licencia de conducir u otra forma de identificación. Una vez finalizado el servicio, devuelva el audífono y se le devolverá su identificación.