We believe God is calling us to be a catalyst for spiritual awakening in Memphis and beyond. Worship with usPlan your visitAbout us
Since our beginning in 1903, our church has ministered to Memphis, across the Mid-South, and around the world. We believe God has placed Bellevue in Memphis for a reason.
We believe God made a way for us to know Him. Our church believes in the Bible and prays fervently.
What to expect
Whether you’re exploring faith for the first time or have been following Jesus for decades, we would love for you to worship with us, join a group, and serve alongside our Bellevue family.

What are Sundays like?
There are a number of ways for you and your family to worship with us! Childcare is available for ages 3 and younger, and children in pre-K–3rd grade attend KidVue Worship. Students in 4th grade and older attend our 9:15 or 11:00 a.m. worship service with the adults. You can also be part of our online community by watching our weekly livestream!
Each service includes worship, prayer, and baptism celebrations. Pastor Steve Gaines (or an occasional guest speaker) shares a sermon filled with biblical truth.
Sundays at 9:15 a.m.
During this service, you’ll sing songs led by our Minister of Music, Mark Blair, who is usually accompanied by the Bellevue Choir and Orchestra. You will be blessed by a message from God’s Word presented by Bro. Steve, baptism celebrations, and prayer.
Sundays at 11:00 a.m.
Our second service features music led by the Worship Team and our Contemporary Worship Pastor, Jeff Maxwell. We pray together, sing, celebrate baptisms, and listen to a message from God’s Word shared by Bro. Steve.
Bellevue has two campuses: Bellevue Appling and Bellevue Bella Vista. Bellevue Bella Vista ministers specifically to our Spanish-speaking neighbors in Memphis.
Main Campus
2000 Appling Road
Cordova, TN 38016
(901) 347-2000
Worship services:
Sundays at 9:15 and 11:00 a.m.
Bella Vista (Español)
700 N Highland Street
Memphis, TN 38122
(901) 322-3299
Worship services:
Sundays at 8:00 and 10:30 a.m.
We offer a number of ways for you to connect and worship, including for those who need additional resources.
Spanish Translation
We offer Spanish translation every Sunday during both worship services. Radio receivers are distributed at a South Lobby second-floor location 15 minutes before the service begins until the sermon starts. To get a radio receiver, you must present a driver’s license or another form of identification. Once the service is finished and you have turned in the radio receiver, your identification card will be returned to you.
En Español
Ofrecemos traducción al español todos los domingos durante los servicios de adoración a las 9:15 y 11:00 a.m. Para recibir un audífono, visite la estación en el segundo piso del vestíbulo sur 15 minutos antes del inicio del servicio hasta que comience la predicación. Para recibir un audífono, debe presentar una licencia de conducir u otra forma de identificación. Una vez finalizado el servicio, devuelva el audífono y se le devolverá su identificación.
American Sign Language (ASL)
Beyond Sunday
Church life is much more than attending a weekly worship service. Bellevue offers a variety of ways for you to get connected with our church family.