August 30 Activities
Discover what's happening at Bellevue for all agesJoin us for the latest special events and Midweek groups at Bellevue. Through a variety of activites and classes, we hope to see you grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ and enjoy fellowship with the church community.
Wednesday Fellowship Supper
Fellowship Suppers are hosted in our Fellowship Hall (West Lobby). Individuals and families can take advantage of a selection of dinner options. Wednesday night dinners begin at 4:00 and end at 6:00.
Adults: $8 | Senior Adults: $7 | Children 10 and under: $6 | Family pricing: $35 (Immediate family in the household—parents and children 18 and under)
Fellowship Supper for February 5
Fellowship Supper Hotline: (901) 347-5238
At Midweek, there is something for everyone, including your little ones! For children from birth–three years old, childcare is available. However, this isn’t just any childcare. For even our youngest attendees, we begin investing in the next generation by teaching biblical truth in every class. See the class listings below for older kids and students.
Need help finding your class? Click here for campus maps.
Featured events

Teaming Up in Marriage Rally
Join us on Wednesday, August 30, for a marriage rally hosted by Bro. Steve and Donna Gaines! Hear how Bro. Steve and Donna have partnered together in life, love, faith, parenting, and serving through all the highs and lows of life for more than 40 years.

Adult Singles Game Night
Adult singles ages 35–59—you’re invited to join us for a fun night of games and connection! Enjoy games, music, snacks, and a word of encouragement from the Bible. Featured games include cornhole, pickleball, Frisbee, board games, and more! Be part of the action, or simply fellowship with others.