One Church, One Story

One Church, One Story

Reading through the entire Bible chronologically can seem impossible, especially if you’re trying to go through it alone. However, if you join in with a group of people who are on the same path and have the same goal, then the task of reading through the Bible is more...
Discovering His Story

Discovering His Story

When someone grows up in church, they hear a bunch of Scripture throughout their lives—memory verses here and Bible stories there. But despite years of faithful attendance, a lot of believers have never read God’s Word as one whole story. The familiar stories of Noah,...
Transformed by God’s Story

Transformed by God’s Story

At Bellevue, we’re about to embark on an incredible journey together—reading through the Bible chronologically in a year. This study is not just about checking off chapters, it’s about deepening our faith, seeing God’s plan unfold from Genesis to Revelation, and...
From Beginning to End

From Beginning to End

At first glance, reading the whole Bible chronologically might seem like a daunting task—starting at Genesis and ending with Revelation—but for Bellevue, it represents something much more meaningful. Through the year-long Chronological Bible study we’ll be doing in...
A Heart of Gratitude

A Heart of Gratitude

In the hustle and bustle of the holidays, we can so easily lose sight of the blessings that surround us. We oftentimes focus on what we’re missing or the struggles we face, forgetting the richness of God’s provision. As we step into this time of thanksgiving, Brandon...