CampOutrageous 2025

June 9–12

Pep Squad Auditions

Sunday, March 2, or Monday, March 3

The CampOutrageous Pep Squad helps lead worship and get kids moving each morning of CampOutrageous. Auditions are open to Bellevue members and pending members who have just completed 6th–12th grade.

In-person auditions for the 2025 Pep Squad will take place Sunday, March 2. If you are unavailable that day, there will be a makeup audition time on Monday, March 3. Please only attend one audition time.

Audition songs can be found below.

For your Pep Squad audition we are asking you to learn the following two songs:

“God, You Hear Us”

KidVue Worship Song

“Way, Truth, and Life”

(only the first section of the song)

What is CampOutrageous?

Children in pre-K–5th grade are invited to Bellevue’s VBS for an exciting week of biblical truth, crafts, recreation, and a musical presentation. Through this year’s theme, kids will learn about the grand story of the Bible and the life of adventure Jesus invites us to, one where we go and tell others about God’s love. Check out some of the fun opportunities you can explore at CampOutrageous.

Catch up with hits from 2024

What’s a road trip without good tunes? Check out the album, CampOutrageous: Ready, Set, Roadtrip!, now available on Spotify and Apple Music featuring music from last year’s CampOutrageous.

Beyond CampOutrageous

What should I do next?

Birth–3rd Grade Life Groups

Plug into weekly groups designed for learning and fellowship.

KidVue Worship

A special time of Sunday worship just for kids!

4th+5th Grade Summer Camp

Dive into God’s Word, games, and worship July 7–10!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this an overnight camp?

No, CampOutrageous is from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. each day.

Is there a cost?

No, this is a free event.

Where do I go when I arrive at Bellevue?

You can check in at either the East Entrance or the West Entrance. Volunteers will be available to take you where you need to go.

Can someone other than a parent drop off and pick up my child?

Each child is registered upon arrival, and both the child and the adult bringing the child receive a wristband with matching codes. The adult picking up the child MUST present the matching wristband upon arrival. No child will be released to any adult without the wristband.

Is this for Bellevue members only?

CampOutrageous is open to any child (pre-K–5th grade) who wishes to learn, sing, and hear about the love and life of Jesus Christ!

Is after-care available if I am unable to pick up my child at 12:30?

No, the event ends promptly and children must be picked up by 12:30 p.m. each day.

Will snacks be served?

Yes, the children will receive a snack each day, and these foods will be communicated through an allergy alert sign posted on the classroom door for parents to see. If one of our snacks is an allergy concern for your child, you should alert a classroom volunteer so an alternate snack can be provided for them.

When do I find out my child’s class assignment?

In the days leading up to CampOutrageous, you will receive multiple emails at the address you provided on your child’s registration. Those emails will communicate your child’s class assignment and pickup and drop-off information.