The Belonging


September 12, 2023
  • Location: Various Locations
  • Led by: Donna Gaines, Jean Stockdale, Dayna Street
  • Date Override: Various Times and Dates

Join us for The Belonging, a 10-week study of Genesis 37–50, as we trace the hand of God in the lives of Jacob, Joseph, and Judah and see that God providentially rules and overrules every situation and circumstance to bring about His plan to redeem humanity. These final chapters in Genesis are an instruction manual that teaches us to persevere so that we have hope, provides a framework for our understanding of life on Earth, and prepares us for the Kingdom to come—where every longing of our souls will be fulfilled as we cast our eyes on the One to Whom we belong.

Choose a day and time that fits your schedule, and join Bellevue Women for Bible study this fall. Childcare will be provided during all class times. Registration is required for Tuesday mornings only.

Group options:

Tuesdays, September 12–November 14 | 9:30 a.m. | Various locations (Register here)
Wednesdays, September 13–November 15 | 6:30 p.m. | Fellowship Hall (Register here)
Sundays, September 17–November 19 | 11:00 a.m. | W264 (Register here)

Livestream and on demand are also available. Register here if you’ll be studying with us from home. This makes sure you won’t miss out on extra resources each week.

How do I get a workbook?

In person, workbooks in regular print cost $12, and workbooks in large print cost $14. If you cannot purchase one at our sessions, you can find them here on Amazon.