Interested in Foster Care?
Bellevue works closely with the staff at Tennessee Kids Belong and Tennessee Baptist Children’s Home. Here is a link for more information from the TN Baptist Children’s Home.
Not ready to become a foster parent but want to serve foster parents at Bellevue?
Join a WRAP team! A WRAP team is made up of 10–12 volunteers/families who come together to “WRAP” around foster parents to help them serve the children in foster care. They agree to a predetermined period of time to serve the families through: Words of Encouragement, Respite Care, Acts of Service, and Prayer. This is a great way for an individual, a Life Group, or any group for that matter, to serve these families. Click here to register for a WRAP team.
Want to start with a conversation?
Please contact the Missions office at (901) 347-5540 or