From Beginning to End

At first glance, reading the whole Bible chronologically might seem like a daunting task—starting at Genesis and ending with Revelation—but for Bellevue, it represents something much more meaningful. Through the year-long Chronological Bible study we’ll be doing in 2025, the entire church will come together to engage with God’s Word in a fresh, transformative way—one that promises to deepen understanding, strengthen community, and spark spiritual growth like never before.

For some people, reading the Bible is already a part of their daily or weekly routine. Many would even say that they know the Bible and its truths well. However, reading the Bible chronologically shows us God’s story as it actually happened.

“A lot of people don’t know how the Bible all fits together,” said Michael Pritchard, Bellevue’s Pastor of Curriculum and Teacher Development. “We read the Bible in books, but those books are not in order. We read those books as they are—separated—and sometimes we miss the fact that there is a grand narrative from the very beginning of the Bible to the very end.”

This new study will provide unique opportunities to engage with Scripture, both individually and as a church. Each Sunday our Pastor will preach a message on a specific passage from the previous week’s Chronological Bible readings. Life Groups will also dive deeper into a passage of the week’s readings, discussing questions and applying biblical truths to everyday life.

“To go through the Bible chronologically as a whole church, that is going to prompt conversations that people would’ve never had,” Michael said. “It’s going to allow people to interact with Scripture in a whole new way, and at the same time it’s going to amplify the threads of truth we find in Scripture so we can see that God is the same from beginning to end.”

But this journey isn’t only about being able to read the Bible from beginning to end. It’s also about building habits, strengthening faith, and helping God’s children learn more about who He is.

“When you don’t read the Bible chronologically, you can potentially miss out on the important characteristics of God—who He is, how much He loves us, how patient and kind He is, and how just and righteous He is,” Michael said. “We’re going to cover interesting topics and even hard topics. Scripture comes more alive when you ask the questions and then discover the answers.”

As Bellevue gets ready to embark on this chronological journey through Scripture in 2025, it’s not just about reading the Bible—it’s about discovering the faithful pursuit of a loving God. Every chapter of His Word reveals more of His character, His promises, and His love for us.

Visit the Bellevue Bookstore to purchase your copy of the One Year Chronological Study Bible! Go to to learn more about Chronological Bible 2025!