World Missions Offering

Supporting missions around the globe so the Gospel may be proclaimed from Memphis to the ends of the Earth
Give to World MissionsMissions Ministry

Because of your giving in 2023, Bellevue sent out more than 360 short-term missions participants, trained and sent out 10 mid-term and long-term missionaries, and partnered with nine international missions organizations. Your giving also supported the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for the North American Mission Board, the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for the International Mission Board, and the Golden Offering for Tennessee Missions. But that was 2023. Your continued support is crucial for these partnerships to continue.

Through your gifts, you help make disciples around the world. 

What is the World Missions Offering?

Bellevue’s World Missions Offering helps subsidize the cost of ministry on short-term missions projects. When you sign up for a short-term trip at Bellevue, you are only responsible for the expenses associated with travel, food, and lodging. This is possible because of others have given to the World Missions Offering to cover ministry expenses.

What are ministry expenses?

Ministry expenses are what Bellevue Missions pays to make ministry possible once the team is on the ground doing missions work. This includes cost of materials for building projects, resources for Vacation Bible School, supplies for sharing the Gospel, and much more.

Missions Partners

Through our partnership with the Southern Baptist Convention, Bellevue is able to engage in the missionary task not only through our church, but also through our international partners. The World Missions Offering allows us to support the following entities:

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

International Mission Board

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

North American Mission Board

Golden Offering for Tennessee Missions

Tennessee Baptist Mission Board

“Tell of His glory among the nations,
His wonderful deeds among all  the peoples.”

1 Chronicles 16:24

Give to world missions today!