More Than Enough

“They went to Moses and reported, ‘The people have given more than enough materials to complete the job the Lord has commanded us to do!’” Exodus 36:5 NLT

A baby’s first cry and a mother’s first embrace are moments of profound beauty—a picture of life’s greatest miracle and the unbreakable bond that begins at birth. The Memphis Morning Center facilitates these moments time and time again as it helps under-resourced women have happy and healthy deliveries. Rooted in the belief that every human life has intrinsic value from the moment of conception, this ministry offers a range of free prenatal and postpartum care services for women and families who choose life for their babies.

The whole idea behind a maternal medical mission started in 2013, when Samaritan Ministries opened a ministry extension of its health care nonprofit to provide mothers in Memphis with a safe place to deliver their babies.

“The primary reason that Memphis was chosen to be a spearhead for the Morning Center was because Memphis was home to the ZIP code with the highest infant mortality rate—babies who are born and dying before their first birthday,” Executive Director of the Memphis Morning Center Pia Reynolds said.

In 2016, the Memphis Morning Center gained autonomy and became its own ministry. It continued to pave the way to make Memphis a city where mothers and babies are both taken care of physically and spiritually.

“We want to see the baby be born, yes,” Pia said. “But we also want to see that the mom is taken care of as well. We want to make sure that through this entire process, she sees the love of Christ.”

Unfortunately, because the Morning Center had split from Samaritan Ministries, it was no longer underneath the financial umbrella of Samaritan Ministries, and the stability it once had wasn’t there. Eventually the Memphis Morning Center had to close its doors in 2023 due to a lack of resources, but Pia and the rest of the Morning Center team trusted in the Lord and knew He would move amid the season of uncertainty.

“We got to the point where we were looking to the Lord with open hands,” Pia said. “We knew if God had a desire to have a Morning Center in Memphis, then He would make it happen.”

Ben Taylor, Bellevue’s Missions Pastor, soon reached out to the Memphis Morning Center and invited it to be part of Love Offering 2022: For Life. The Love Offering Committee wanted to help the Memphis Morning Center break through the barriers of becoming its own nonprofit medical mission.

After receiving support through Love Offering 2022, the Memphis Morning Center was able to meet its 2024 financial goals of moving to a more central location in the city and having the resources to provide medical maternal care for an entire year.

“Bellevue met more than 50 percent of our original financial goal,” Pia said. “Because of their offerings, we are right where we wanted to be—in the heart of the city. Our location is right across from a Planned Parenthood facility and on the same floor as a pregnancy resource center that we collaborate closely with.”

In a world where the value of life is too often questioned, the Memphis Morning Center remains steadfast in its commitment to protecting and cherishing every life. After overcoming many obstacles, the Memphis Morning Center is overjoyed to have its doors open to mothers in the city once more. Alongside multiple ministries and nonprofits, the Memphis Morning Center wants to build a culture where every life is recognized as a precious gift deserving of love and protection.

Through Love Offering 2022: For Life, Bellevue has been able to come alongside several organizations that serve children, families, and the vulnerable. If you want to partner with the Memphis Morning Center, visit

This year’s Love Offering will be given For All Nations and Future Generations. Visit to learn more, and join us for Love Offering Sunday on November 10!