Soul City Send-Out

When Libby and I came to Bellevue 10 years ago as newlyweds, we knew we needed to have a more faithful walk with the Lord to make our marriage last. God used the preaching of the Word and relationships with others to soften our hearts toward having a more consistent and intimate relationship with Him. As we grew closer to the Lord, the desire in us grew stronger to serve His church and bride, Bellevue. From that time until now, we’ve had small steps of obedience that ultimately led to where we are today. We began by simply following His command for a consistent relationship with Him. That led to obedience in getting more involved and serving His church and later following His call as a lay leader and deacon. Soon I knew God was calling me out of the secular workplace into full-time vocational ministry, and now we know our next step of obedience is to plant a church in Denver. These simple steps of obedience are what God desires and what He uses to reveal Himself to us. Libby and I want nothing more than to rest in His will for our lives and be obedient to His call, no matter how big or small of a step required. We love and thank Bellevue for consistently standing behind us, equipping us, and encouraging us every step of the way.

–Chris Phillips, Minister, Young Couples

Keep up with the Phillips’ journey here.