Stories of the Bible

This year at Bellevue, we are introducing all-new, original Life Group curriculum called Stories of the Bible. As we begin 2023, the same Bible story will be taught in Life Groups of every age, every week. These unique lessons are the combined effort of many faithful servants.

How did we arrive at Stories of the Bible? A while back, Preschool and Childrens Pastor Ken Hindman felt the Lord leading him to consider creating original curriculum for Bellevues children. He obeyed the Lords leading and put an age-suitable scope and sequence on paper. From this initial step of faith, Life Groups of all ages joined in to design parallel curriculum aligning conversations, discipleship, and family discussions about biblical truth. We are excited about this churchwide investment and sense God will do something significant as we study His Word together. You can be a part of it!

You and all other members of your family can follow along with Stories of the Bible in your Life Groups each week. This will create unique opportunities for you to connect, share, and grow together as you walk through the same Bible stories.

In families, parents are to be the primary disciple-makers in their kids lives. This is a mandate from Deuteronomy 6:6, These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”  

At Bellevue, we want to help you become more confident and consistent when teaching your children biblical truth. Weve made it as easy as A, B, C!

A: Ask interactive questions. Ask your kids questions about the biblical story they learned in their Life Group. Each week in 2023, you can visit for three pre-written, kid-friendly questions.

B: Bring your understanding. This is to remind you to share with your kids one thing you learned from your adult Life Group lesson about the same biblical story.

C: Create fun experiences. Each week at, you will be given a pre-written activity that you can do as a family. These activities are designed to bring the truth of the biblical story to life.

As a church body, may we be found faithful to expand our knowledge of Gods Word, become more familiar with His Story, and grow spiritually in 2023 more than ever before!