People Over Projects

People Over Projects

How can we help? And where do we begin? These were the two questions our church faced as we looked at the needs of Memphis. The answer was found in a quarterly workday that has now grown into a constant mission—Bellevue Loves Memphis. This initiative made us dive into...
Walking with Widows

Walking with Widows

Robert Kuntzman missed going to his Life Group. He hadn’t been in a long time, and he missed the teaching and the people. In January of last year, he and his wife knew it was time to go back— back to community and building relationships. And for the Kuntzmans, being...
Wrapping Our Arms Around Foster Families

Wrapping Our Arms Around Foster Families

Approximately 1,000 children in Shelby County are waiting for a foster family, and the Lord calls us to care for these children (James 1:27). Families at Bellevue are obeying that call as they receive kids with love and acceptance. But while they love on these kids,...
Jesus Loves Memphis

Jesus Loves Memphis

Jesus Loves Memphis is a Saturday that takes many months of preparation—contacting organizations, outlining schedules, and mapping out logistics. Leah Ginion and Jo Wafler are Ministerial Assistants with Bellevue Missions. They gave us a look into all things behind...
Missions Update: Honduras 2023

Missions Update: Honduras 2023

“Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field’” (Matthew 9:37–38 NIV). The workers (Bellevue’s Young Adults Ministry team) set out for the harvest...
Engage East Africa

Engage East Africa

Missionaries expend an extraordinary amount of strength every day as they dedicate their lives to further the Gospel. With sustained attacks from the enemy, many missionaries find themselves in a place where they see no other option but to return home from the field....